CLARA - The Loyalty Processing Platform for Successful Loyalty Programmes
CLARA, (Customer Loyalty Acquisition Retention and Advocacy), is a customer loyalty solution that can enable the operation of successful customer loyalty initiatives that span one or more customer channels. Whether your business is focussed directly through a B2C model, B2B2C or indeed B2B, CLARA provides all the necessary processing capabilities to support a successful loyalty initiative.
The operation of a successful loyalty programme depends on many factors amongst which is the need to be able to service a multi-channel customer relationship.
Customers demand recognition and service across all channels through which they choose to engage but most organisations fail to deliver a 'joined up' experience. Delivering a digital experience is relatively straight forward but extending this to the physical environment comes with significant challenges. The core design of a loyalty programme needs to recognise the real world difficulties that surround the challenges of multi-channel customer service.
CLARA was developed with such challenges in mind, providing the essential capabilities to support a multi channel business to include 3rd party relationships which can extend a loyalty programme to enable a B2B2C relationship with the consumer. Most big businesses engage their customers directly as well as through partner organisations, providing a real technical and operational challenge to the provision of a comprehensive and consistent approach to customer rewards, promotions and loyalty. CLARA solves most of these issues as it was designed to include the requirements of 3rd party servicing and the direct or indirect participation of the 3rd party in a multi-partner loyalty initiative.
CLARA provides a customisable solution for multi-partner loyalty programmes.
CLARA was conceived by loyalty experts from Loyalty Consulting UK Ltd. A company that has two decades of loyalty experience from around the globe, providing strategic consulting services to some of the biggest brands -
The design of CLARA will accommodate the needs of a single business working with its customer fulfillment partners or indeed a collaboration between consenting parties to provide a consumer facing loyalty programme that offers the consumer the opportunity to be rewarded through one programme for their purchases and from multiple participating businesses.
CLARA has all the capabilities to support multiple businesses wishing to work together to deliver a 'joined-up' loyalty programme. From the complications of financial reconciliation that takes into consideration a consistent approach to expiry/redemption across all participating businesses, to the need from some businesses to support FMCG promotions across businesses, CLARA provides a consolidated processing service for such complex arrangements through a simple and easy to use interface.
CLARA is a sophisticated loyalty infrastructure that supports the requirement to learn about the members it supports whilst also providing for the exploitation of such insights through a loyalty programme.
The most successful loyalty programmes do not simply focus on customer rewards, they provide a leaning environment where the programme operator is able to apply its customer insights to better communicate and target customers with the things that are relevant, appealing and more likely to create and support a positive customer relationship.
Loyalty programmes never make up for bad customer service. But loyalty programmes do provide the opportunity to better understand those customers willing to engage as members. CLARA was designed to provide the facilities with which an organisation can deploy its knowledge of customers/members that delivers a personalised approach to customer Relationship Management. CLARA provides an open interface allowing for the import of customer insights and targeting attributes for a more effective customer experience.
The operators of CLARA based loyalty programmes have the ability to communicate and promote in a personalised way for all members. This means that customers will feel more valued over time as they appreciate that fact the the organisation is 'listening' - generating a high degree of emotional engagement that creates a must stronger bond with the customer than any simple rewards mechanism can ever achieve.

My Loyalty - by CLARA
CLARA, (Customer Loyalty Acquisition Retention and Advocacy), is a loyalty processing system that helps businesses to operate customer loyalty programmes that put the members in control. CLARA was designed to deliver a personalised service befitting of any business wanting to reward its valued customers. Providing instant, real-time access to all the information and all the capabilities that support a positive and personalised rewards experience, CLARA can deliver the most exciting and engaging customer experience through Mobile Apps, On-Line or In-Store.
CLARA was designed to give the members what they need and when they need it, recognising the dramatic transformation toward digital channels for all forms of customer purchases and servicing. However, CLARA support the member when they wish to engage through more traditional channels - shopping at the local store on a sleepy Saturday afternoon!

Loyalty Processing
CLARA, (Customer Loyalty Acquisition Retention and Advocacy), provides all the processing capabilities required to provide the necessary capabilities of a fully functional customer loyalty programme.
Whether the users wish to simply reward its customers with ‘cash-back’ or use more sophisticated treatments and methods of engagement, CLARA provides the necessary infrastructure to deliver a comprehensive and compelling customer rewards and engagement proposition.
CLARA was conceived by some of the most experienced loyalty professionals in the industry, with decades of experience working with clients across the globe. Through that experience, it gained many insights regarding the most effective means of customer engagement across multiple industries and markets, from B2C, B2B and B2B2C and from one to multi-channel and multi partner loyalty propositions, – CLARA was designed to support best in class loyalty treatments no matter the business model and no matter where it is deployed.

Today’s customers demand a multi-channel experience, they want to be recognised, valued, communicated with and rewarded for their relationship that can span a number of points of engagement. In most markets this will mean a mixture of interactions using Mobile Phone Apps, On-line communications and transactions; and physical engagement at the stores, outlets and agents/franchisee premises. CLARA will support a joined-up experience across all channels of customer engagement, providing a comprehensive interface for all customer interactions – for example; starting with the Mobile app and ending with collection/delivery.
Mobile App
CLARA provides a standard library of Mobile App functions that provide the basis for the delivery of a fully customised and branded App to meet the needs of every one of our customer’s precise requirements. From the registration of unique customers, through to the redemption of benefits and offers of relevant promotions, CLARA provides a solid basis for the distribution of a fully branded, compelling and engaging Mobile App experience – this can be deployed as an extension of any existing App or as a fully stand-alone application.
CLARA delivers a number of innovative approaches to the opportunities presented by loyalty engagement at the point of sale within a traditional store environment. So many existing loyalty programmes provide unexciting, sedentary approaches to customer engagement in the store whilst this ought to be the most appealing and compelling for most customers.
CLARA delivers the tools that can be configured to provide a full and engaging customer experience at the point of sale. Whether this is through a tight integration with an existing ePOS system, or by using a standalone mechanism. Customers can be registered, given access to all the information regarding their membership and or the ability to both earn or redeem instantaneously. The best loyalty experiences deliver real-time processing, linking the act of purchasing with rewards and promotions that are both appealing and relevant.
Engagement through the internet using a mobile phone, a tablet or any other computing device ought to provide access to all the tools that enable the member to manage his/her membership account.
CLARA gives members full access to the member self-service facilities such as membership administration, account activity and rewards/promotions most relevant to the member.

Customer Database
At the heart of all the best loyalty initiatives lies a customer database containing all the member registration data together with all the transactional data associated with the customers engagement.
CLARA extends the understanding of members within the loyalty initiatives that it supports, by providing for key analysis and insights that can be deployed as member attributes and then used for targeting purposes – communications, rewards and promotions.
The storage, management, analysis and deployment of customer insights is at the heart of a CLARA implementation, providing the loyalty programme operator with a sophisticated Customer Relationship Management, (CRM), tool, surpassing the performance of more traditional CRM tools available in the market. CLARA focusses the efforts of marketeers on delivering the most effective treatments – through the right channel, at the right time and with the most relevance for each and every registered customer.

Customer Communications
CLARA provides a comprehensive integration interface to all external communication sub-systems such as email, SMS and Mobile App messaging, etc.
Critical to the success of any loyalty initiative is effective membership communications, whether they be simple systems responses or more complex targeted promotional messages. Marrying together customer insights with a loyalty and promotions strategy to create the most effective customer journeys will demand a set of communications requirements that can best be served by a tight integration between the customer database, CRM tool/s and the loyalty processing engine. CLARA provides this complex integration through a sophisticated back-office tool set, allowing the user to manage intricate customer communications routines to include the ability, where appropriate, for real-time communication with customers.

Providing customer rewards through a loyalty programme is something that businesses have been doing for many, many years. This is a relatively straight-forward task that elicits a customer response with varying degrees of success. The most successful loyalty programmes combine with a sophisticated promotions strategy that is supported by actionable and predictive customer insights to support and deliver some of the required changes in customer behaviour. CLARA provides all the tools necessary to help target a proportion of an organisations promotional budget through a loyalty programme, mitigating the cost of rewards whilst providing a relevant and enjoyable customer experience that enhances the customers feeling of contentment and worth.

Business Intelligence
The tracking and measurement of all activities that are supported by CLARA is provided for through a dashboard and set of standard reports. Additionally, CLARA supports the need for a data export/import function where key data is analysed outside of the CLARA platform, using sophisticated analytical tools. CLARA provides for the import, storage and exploitation of any and all insights that can be deployed for targeting purposes using the CLARA attribute management facilities. Insights can be used to determine what members see, what they can reward themselves with and what promotions are most relevant, when and where across all the participating channels. Business intelligence powers CLARA to deliver the most effective loyalty treatments.
Loyalty made simple
"I forgot to bring my loyalty card, I have so many!" I downloaded the App but I can't be bothered to open it, I'm in a rush!" What's your excuse.....?
Loyalty programmes around today try to provide simplicity and ease of engagement but most fail.... This is frustrating for the operators of loyalty programmes but customers demand better!
CLARA is a loyalty processing system designed to address the needs of customers that are open toward engaging through loyalty schemes so long as it's simple, easy and those that recognise the fact that consumers cannot be compelled to comply with the rigidity of a 'one size fits all' policy for member identification. CLARA supports choice and interoperability, freeing the customer to choose the most appropriate form of identification at the point of purchase that is convenient and comfortable.
- a traditional loyalty card
- a mobile App
- a key fob
- the customers registered mobile phone number
- a customer's registered payment card
CLARA was designed to make things easy on the consumer, where he/she has registered any of the above, they can choose to use any one of them to meet their circumstance.
Gone are the days where customers are prepared to jump through hoops for some meaningless gift or some points that end up being of little or no value.
The digital transformation of society is giving consumers the power to very quickly execute their rights to choose! To choose who they want a relationship with and who to trust with their data.
CLARA was designed to deliver an empowering experience for the membership of the programmes it supports. Embracing the principles of GDPR, CLARA provides an ability for th members of a loyalty programme to dictate how their data is used or not, to instantly change any preference in respect of rewards, promotions or communications.
Through the mobile App or on-line, members can manage their own preferences that will tailor how they are served by the loyalty programme. This approach recognises the need for businesses to earn the trust and respect of customers and not to abuse their consent for the use of their data.
It's not just about rewards, customers also expect privileges. Early access to reductions/sale items, new releases, anything short in supply. They want to know first when you have something interesting to say.... Loyalty and rewards are just one aspect of the customer relationship that need to be addressed.
CLARA based loyalty programmes provide all the required support to deliver a truly personalised and exciting consumer experience that includes rewards.

My Loyalty - by CLARA
CLARA, (Customer Loyalty Acquisition Retention and Advocacy), is a loyalty processing system that helps businesses to operate customer loyalty programmes that put the members in control. CLARA was designed to deliver a personalised service befitting of any business wanting to reward its valued customers. Providing instant, real-time access to all the information and all the capabilities that support a positive and personalised rewards experience, CLARA can deliver the most exciting and engaging customer experience through Mobile Apps, On-Line or In-Store.
CLARA was designed to give the members what they need and when they need it, recognising the dramatic transformation toward digital channels for all forms of customer purchases and servicing. However, CLARA support the member when they wish to engage through more traditional channels - shopping at the local store on a sleepy Saturday afternoon!

My Rewards
CLARA provides all the information and the capabilities to allow members to reward themselves with the options that suit them best.
Through the App or online, members can filter the reward options using their current loyalty balance, by a target loyalty balance to be achieved, by reward type or by the member’s own preferences. This allows the member the freedom to quickly find the most appropriate rewards according to their needs, desires or loyalty balance.
CLARA supports the ability for members to order or pre-order reward options for home delivery or collection using either the Mobile App or logging on to the Loyalty Programme’s website.

My Promotions
The members loyalty account provides access to a range of membership benefits that include My Promotions – an area in the App or on-line that allows members to see what promotions are available to them and to ‘opt-in’ for use either by using the Mobile App, at the Store or On-line.
My Promotions will include personalised offers not necessarily available to all members or customers, designed to be attractive to those members offered the benefit:
- Discount e-coupons for specific products and services
- Money off e-coupons for purchases from specific businesses
- Points and/or Cash-Back boosters from specific businesses
- Surprise rewards

My Messages
An In-App messaging service, (the main channel used will be selected by the members, choosing between In-App, SMS and or Email), to communicate with members regarding their activity and regarding developments with the loyalty programme. Typical messages that will be communicated through this channel include:
- Programme developments – for example, new participating outlets or new earning opportunities
- Systems generated messages such as, One-Time-Codes sent for security purposes, redemption confirmations, earning confirmations, profile changes and consent updates.

My Favourites
Members are free to tell us what they like and what they do not by submitting their preferences. The more they tell us the more accurate we can be in making relevant personalised offers and communications.
Members are free to add, amend or delete their preferences at any time. We encourage members to tell us about what they like and dislike about a range of subjects:
- Products, services and brands
- Hobbies and interests
- Habits and pastimes